One of the world's largest and arguably strongest financial institutions, UBS wasn't getting in on the big U.S. corporate deals. We created a campaign that depicted people in sports situations as a metaphor for business risk and suggested that the bank's immense strength could help reduce that risk. The campaign not only got the bank noticed, UBS credits the campaign with helping get it into a number of important deals.
Suppose this were a business opportunity.
Let's take a minute to talk about rope.
Wherever global business pursues opportunity, it comes up against steep competition.
Making it to the top requires confident strategic maneuvering and, invariably, the right financial connections. Which is why, in both the U.S. and beyond, some of the world's most successful corporations maintain strong ties with one international bank.
Union Bank of Switzerland.
As one of the world's largest banks, and arguably the strongest, our resources are impressive.
And so are the ways in which we can apply our Triple-A rated strength.
For UBS offers the full range of on- and off-balance sheet finance vital to any sizable company's success.
Which means that whether your goals require trade or project finance, securities underwriting and trading, swaps and derivatives or asset management and advisory services, we can custom design the right solutions. In any major currency or market. In good times and bad.
If you're aiming for the heights of global success, you can depend on Union Bank of Switzerland.
It's one relationship that will never leave you hanging.
Union Bank of Switzerland